Self-publishing digital ebook tools used here include:
LibreOffice add-on features, Caligre, and Sigil illustrated on my YouTube channel.
Self-publishing digital ebook tools used here include:
LibreOffice add-on features, Caligre, and Sigil illustrated on my YouTube channel.
Ro’ would not appreciate being mentioned in a book. Same goes for the rest of the crew. Just like me, I don’t appreciate a camera or being put in the spot light either. Wouldn’t mind being prepped for that. You know, a little time in front of a mirror could ease the nerves.
LibreOffice has an add-on feature for self-publishers. I’m grateful for that! Gratitude and kudos to all those folks helping others to thrive. Thanks for solving major problems unselfishly. Mighty grateful for those willing to make the world a better place. You are my treasures indeed.